Man it was a great week,lots of pictures and some great times.I got most everything I wanted to get done,finished a couple of knives,finish tillering my yew bow and shot it in. Worked up some
more feathers and leg sinew,ate good and had a lot of good friends around most of the week.Got to hunt a few days with Beau,woody,Jesse and King Ron,Art,Big A,Scott came and Hung out over the week. I didn't kill any deer but I let Jesse and Woody take out the guns the last couple of day to show them why I don't allow guns,[TO EASY] I had a great Christmas and New year,hope yall all
did also.Started the week with RangerB and his Cub scout troop camping to get a badge they needed.Good to see the kids again.

The last picture was Jesse's IW bow on the form.I heat treated it and added some reflex.

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