Very slow and peaceful at the cabin this weekend,Only me and the girls most of it.Doug [fried pie]
came down Sat. morning and gave me some lessons on shooting,

no kidding he was shooting that snake bow very good and it is holding up great also. It ant only pretty it shoots great to boot. I got
my Christmas trade done and will send it off in a week or so,also got my Yew stave floor tillered and ready for the form.I reduced the sap to about 1/4 thick so I would have more heart wood on the finished bow. I had a couple of good suppers,Wild Turkey with trimmings,left over from Thanksgiving
for Friday night and Back strap and fixings for Sat. night.Had a lot of left over,hard for me to cook for one.

Doug also brought me some supplies to start getting stocked up for the Classic.

Hope yall had a good one.I sure did,Got a lot of small things taken care of and caught up on some rest ,you know the early to bed early to rise thing.

Here are a few pictures. I got another piece of raw hide done,Jesse and I plan on brain taning them as soon as he can get down and give me a few
pointers on how to proceed with it. He's the expert,I am just the hired help.

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