Friday again,headed down to the cabin [Early I hope]

Got a few things to get ready and then
bow season starts in the morning,I can hardly wait.We have the last leg of the Deer Classic Sat. and Sunday so even if I don't get one I will get to see what they look like up close.

We usually check in 20/30 in the 2 day and probably eat 3 or 4 of them through the weekend.It is always a fun weekend. I need to put a handle on a blade Jesse napped for the overall winner.I won it last year but after the way I shot last Sat.I need a 200lb 10 point and a big Tom to boot so I am sure someone will like it.

Hope yall have a good one and I should have some good pictures of the
weekend.This will be the first year Beau has got to hunt opening day with me in 3 years so I
am really looking forward to spending the weekend with him.

That will be great deer or no deer.
Life is good.
