Not sure Bone pile where Cleavland is,we are 30 miles NW of Nashville,off I24.

Man we had a great weekend,first time in a while I have got everything done I had planed on.Got all the mowing done and all of the mineral lick on the east side of the road done Friday evening.Then Sat. morning got
most of the bushhoging done on the east side also.I was on the tractor at 5am and worked till 8.Then meet GregB and BigA at the cabin.We went to our stash and brought up some Hickory logs
to get ready for the Scouts in 3 weeks.We got 15 worked out and in the hot box.Now we need to lay them out.

I got my take down trimmed down and the handle fitted and ready to brace.I also got my snake bow floor tillered and put on the form for reflex and line up the handle.GregB got his snake bow shooting.We also got Doug's [Fried pie] finished tillered and shooting.KeithV got his IW tillered and shooting and a good friend of ours Doug Peters got his Grand son's tillered and shooting.
Had some deer backstrap Friday night and deer brats I ate good .Sunday morning I finished up on the Mineral licks on the west side of the road and then went home and relaxed Sunday evening.Hope yall had a good one also. Life is good.

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