Looks like yall had a great weekend...wish I could have made it but we celebrated Christmas early because of some family work schedules (brother-in-law is a police officer and has to work Christmas day). They left in time for me to hunt Saturday evening, it was cold! I think about the mid 20's with a strong wind. I only saw a couple of dogs that came around right at prime time.
I had planned to hunt Monday morning, but had a little episode that changed my plans. Around 2:00am I woke up with some difficulty breathing. Felt like something was in the back of my throat, and when I went to the bath room and tried to spit it out, I realized it built-in...part of me. I could feel something similar to a partially inflated balloon and I didn't know what it was. I was immediately concerned because I was afraid it could get larger or maybe drop down and block my air passage and then what do I do? I quickly got my wife up and told her we needed to go to the Emergency room. I didn't know if I was over-reacting or not, but I'm not ashamed to say I was a little freaked over it. I've only went to the Emergency Room once before with a kidney stone.
They had me back in a room within 10 minutes or so and told me I had experienced a allergic reaction to something I'd eaten. First time for me on this! Basically the back of my throat was swollen and my euvula(little thing hangs from the top of the throat) was I guess what I had felt swollen. I was hooked up to an IV and they started giving me steroids and antihistamine. I started shaking like there was no tomorrow and I don't know if that was from nerves or the cold liquids sent coursing through my veins!

A couple of blankets helped a lot, after all it was in the single digits outside this morning and I had left the house with a light jacket.

They let me go home after about 4 hours and the swelling had gone down some. I have a Dr. appointment this afternoon with my physician to be checked out for allergies. They told me at the hospital if it happened again it could be three times worse the second go around. That got my attention!
I'm still hoping to get to go to LBL with everyone, I should know more this evening after the doctor visit. Wish me luck!