Don't blame you there,a man has to eat.We can bow hunt through all of the seasons,so that is what I do,plus I don't have to worry about them gun hunters being to close to me.

I have
plenty of meat now but probably would still take another doe if given the chance,never know what next year will hold and it will keep.

I still have 1 hind quarter and back straps in the cooler
for next weeks meals.I plan to hunt hard the first few days then try and finish my Osage bow
and get an Ash bow that I am making for one of my Yankee friends to at least brace.If I can
get that much done I will be happy.I think GreB ,CastIron and sawfiler and coming down at least part of the week Not sure about BigA, so it should be fun.The weather is supposed to me nice.
40s and 20s.Wished you could make it down sometime ,you wouldn't know how to handle decent weather.
