Thanks BJ, It has been good for sure.

I hear ya on kin folks, on my fathers side my Grandfather had 16 brothers and sisters that mostly lived and raised family's with in 5 or 6 miles of here and on my Mother's side she had 14 brothers and sisters that lived and raised family's with in 5 miles of here also so most everyone one around here was at least a cousin, meet Miss Joanie in grammar school 7th grade closer to town

even at that when we started going together she mentioned her uncle JC , I said I have a uncle JC also

after figuring it out on her Grand mother's side was JC and he married my mother's sister, so ya we were kin but only by marriage , times have changed around here now, so many new folks moving it but in my day I was kin to most everyone with in a few miles of here.
