OK Pat and thanks. Good to here from you Brian, hope you can make it back some day.

Yes Ed we are Blessed with a lot of big targets and go all out on this event on setting the range, I think last count Saturday we had around 130 targets in the woods, there is 1 main target at most of the stations [42] to shoot , the rest are just for looks although they do get shot at.

I had a great 3 days and got a few things done in the shop, also had a great working Saturday and most everyone was there. I think we are about ready, just a few more little things left on my list and can call it ready !!!! Hope we have good weather but as prepared as we can be in case we don't.

Here are a few pictures.

Shawn and Joe came by Friday to work on some Osage and I got my Osage ready to brace, also a small piece glued on the handle, Never know but I think this is going to work out, we will see when I get time to get back on it.
