Thanks guys, all went well. Headed to the cabin this morning to stay a few days and get everything ready for the Saturday shoot, the rain is finely almost all gone and is supposed to be sunny and a little cooler for the weekend, breezy today so maybe it will dry things out a bit, my farm is pretty rocky,

bad when you are planting but good for drying up quick.

Mike Scott is coming to stay with me so I am sure we will get into something fun, who know what yet but I feel sure we will fine something.

I am doing some revamping of the bow shop so hope to get the post pulled out and maybe a couple more benches made for vices before the Classic. I pulled 6 post and removed the vices Monday so got to fine a place for them, the post just wouldn't stay tight so got to come up with a plan for them. Hope yall have a good one also.

Life is Good.
