This is Friday for me,off the 4th. I am headed to the cabin this evening,probably be pretty peaceful
tonight and Friday.I am working on some Cain arrows and some cedar also so I hope to get them
a little futher along,also want to finely finish the tillering of my IW.If I am by myself I may get it done.I laid out some deer steaks and got some fresh corn ready to be cooked up for supper.
I won't be there Sat,got a wedding to go to,as most of yall know Beau is getting married Sat.
I will miss being down at the cabin but of course this is a big deal for me and Joanie,this is our only
child so it will be somewhat different with him gone.O well life goes on,I hope it is as good for
him as it has been for me.

Hope yall have a big 4th and I will be back Monday.Life is good.
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