Great weekend, went down on Thursday and pretty much had the whole day to myself , so I decided to get the 2 bows I plan on hunting with set up for broad head, go a dozen arrows for each bow tuned and ready for the opening. Then Friday and Saturday most of the days were spent cutting 2 big Trees leaning toward the pavilion , a big double Maple and a big Hack berry, had some good help and got it all cut and most cleaned up and ready for the fire pit. We also set up our shooting tower we use for practice and up dated our little practice range. We have the 27th White tail Classic next weekend and combines with opening weekend, we got the ranges set with 18 deer and 2 Turkey. That is always fun.

Come see us next Saturday if you are in the area.

Here are a few pictures of the fun. A limb bow I am working on, got it down to a ring. Bill and I also pulled a big red oak that had fallen across the drive and got it cut up for fire wood early in the week. Man can't have to much fire wood, especially around there.
