Thanks Dave, looking forward to seeing it, ya we slipped out pretty early Saturday, Beau had an appointment to be at.

Had a great couple of beautiful days with sun and warm temps. Still trying to get caught up on my hide work. Got 2 of the 3 I had on the rack hair scraped and 1 to go, doing that today before the rain returns tomorrow and over the weekend

then the LAST 3 on the rack to dry. That will make 11 ready to tan
which I can do anytime. I have some other things I need to be doing so will probably take a short break once I get these all ready to tan. Man it has been a job and don't plan on letting them build up like that again.3 or 4 a year is enough.I have only finished 3 because I have been spending all my time just getting the others ready. This is Margaret Ann Wednesday and can hardly wait to see her smiling face, so just plan on being at the farm long enough to get the 1 scraped and all off the racks and rolled up. Yall have a great day.
