Hey PA Gang. Sorry I haven’t been on-line since visiting the Classic. First of all I’d like to thank Pappy and the rest of the Twin Oaks club staff for their hospitality and generosity.
Dad and I arrived on Friday afternoon and immediately ran into none other than Cowboy on the road coming in from the practice course. I followed him to the “knappin” pile where he got me started on the right path to breaking rock. I soon met DanaM, GregB, Knothead, Pappy, Hillbilly, SarahAnne, Dingleberry, Mullet, PatB, Calendargirl, Mini-C (Susannah), DTiller, Leapingbear, Ridgerunner, James Parker (he let me beat the crap out of my arm using his thumb ring and 80# horsebow) and several others. Sorry if I missed your names not to mention several of your spouses. I also met many nice folks that aren’t part of the PA Forum; at least that I could tell. One in particular was John Thomas. He sat down with me and walked me through knapping step by step and gave tons of great advice. He also handed me his tools, asked me if I was going to be there the next day, and said “We’ll do some more tomorrow, give my tools to Mark (Pappy) if I don’t make it back tomorrow”. Thanks John.
I got to break lots of rocks, shoot Flu-Flu’s at flying disks, shoot the course, and learn lots and lots about arrow and bow making. Dad, at the tender age of 79 has even decided that he wants to learn more about primitive archery. I guess it’s never too late to learn a new skill. He took lots of pictures and I’m going to try and post them soon.
Thanks to all and hope to see ya’ll again next year.
Mike (Otoe Bow) and Gene Chase
PS: Somehow I missed the PA photo op and didn’t get a chance to stick my pin in the Oklahoma map, but I did buy a shirt to prove to the wife I was there.