Sure Eddie, how big a piece do you want ?? Not sure Clint , but it is very handy for sure. Don't know what weight it will lift Steve it's a 75 horse tractor and these logs were pretty big and cut at 10 feet long and it didn't even raise the engine at all lifting them. The main thing I have found it you are lifting something heavy is keep it low, almost turned it over with a big load of dirt in the bucket raised up high.

I have spread all the wheels since then so it is much more stable now but I still keep the load low.

Ya Bob we have enough to do us for the year now and still have 1 more large tree to cut so we are in good shape. It takes a lot of wood for us, between us burning a fire most of the time when we are there and all the camps at the Classic it takes a lot of wood to run a year.I am headed to the farm in a few minutes to check on the girls and a few other things and then back to work on the Kobota, I really miss that thing when it is down.Don't relize how much I use it until it is down.

Yall have a great week.Christmas is almost here and I can't wait, love this time of year and as a bonus I have all my Yankee buddies coming in the 26th, that should be a hoot.
