Thanks guys, I think I would be moving on myself Steve if I came up on that many big ones. Yipppppppppps. BJ our Ash are still doing good here, these were just in the wrong place.

I really hate cutting the Walnut also but as I said just in a bad spot. I started cutting 7am yesterday morning and stopped about 1pm, Ma was I whooped,

Bill showed up to help and we have all but one small section of the big Ash cut and ready to split and add to the wood pile, we plan on finishing that this morning. Then a bunch of limbs and brush to haul off and the mess will be cleaned up. Then on to 4 more large Walnut trees. You get 2 good saws running with someone that knows how to use them you can get a lot done in a few hours.I told Bill I use to be able to do this all day, but now a good half day is about all I could take.

I talked to Dave O yesterday they had a great weekend of deer hunting, I laughed and called it shopping[Rifel/Muzzy] but they are sure filling the freezer. Connor's doe, Dave's small buck and Debbie took one also I can't find the picture of.

Shawn also took a nice buck with his Recurve, so there is still some deer out there, I just need to get back after them. Maybe after the trees are cleaned up.
