Man it is good to hear from you Ronnie, I think of you often when I use the fire pit tools you gifted me, we always have a good conversation about you at the Classic and your 90 inch bows and of course at the Boil. More salt

Hope you can make it back someday. We had a great weekend, good meeting and then just some bow prep work /shooting and plane on hanging out. I did get east of the creek bush hogging done and a few stands checked out. Looks like the white Oaks are going to be a bit scares but I like them that way but plenty of persimmons and the best crop of beach nuts I have seen in several years, also red oak seem to be doing well also which is good around here for later in the season. I also got my camp trailer cleaned out and ready for some maintenance work inside and out to get ready for our trip out west next September, it has been several years since I have done that and found stuff I didn't even remember having, that is always cool.

Here are a few pictures of the fun.
My girls of course and gathered some Yucca stems for later use.
