It's Friday and I am headed to the Cabin in a little while, we will get to see how the new kitchen works
tomorrow, we are having our first shooting event and the kitchen will be in full swing. I am sure we will have some bugs to work out but I think it will work fine. Bear/Little Steve and Bro Dan are coming today and several more friends from out of state so I am sure it will be a fun packed weekend. Hope to
get to shoot the course but if I don't have time that is a good thing for the Club.

To top off a already
great weekend I got news yesterday that confirmed I am going to be a Grand Pappy, Beau and Christina finely figured it out

and I couldn't be more excited, thought it was never going to happen.
It is due on the 23rd of September, I turn 65 on the 17th Bow season open on the 23rd and I retire on the 29th so September is shaping up to be a very good month.

Hope yall have a good one also
Life is Good.

and just got better.
