It's great to hear you are doing well now, life don't change much around here, and that is the way I like it.

I will be around that weekend for sure so let me know so we can get together, by the way I wanted to let you know we have your CD and 1 of the sound track on our new web site[] wanted to let you know that before it went live so I don't get sued.

To late now it's already up and running.

The guy that broke into my barn got a year in jail [locked him up yesterday] and owes me 1,600.00 in restoration , like I will ever get that.

He is a punk and I am afraid he always will be, I pray he will change but have my doubts

he had multi charges that should have put him away for 10 years at least but this system we have just can't seem to bring them self to doing that.

O well not the first day I wasted but would have much rather been at the farm.