Yep, Jesse is probably sleeping right now, or who knows may still setting by the fire. He and Sally have hit it off and she has been singing along with him on his flute.

Wished I knew how to post a video he sent me, it is way cool.

Anyway it's Friday and I will be headed to the Cabin shortly, Jesse and I have cut a lot of wood the last couple of days so plan on hauling that out. May do a little Turkey hunting and I like 2 more bows for the form and plan on doing them today. That will give us 12 nice Hickory Blanks for the Classic.

DaveO came in last night to do a little hunting and also put up some new lights in the pavilion, looking forward to seeing him it's been a while.

Jesse wanted to do a brain tanned hide since he got to stay a few more days , I had a extra hide in rawhide form and plenty of brains, [ For tanning not mine]

he started that yesterday evening, so we will be pulling on brain tan today I am sure.

I am sure it will be a busy weekend.

Hope yall enjoy it as much as I am sure I will.

have a great weekend.

Life Is Good.
