Dang Pappy, that hat makes you look 20 years younger.

Looks like you're wearing a visor and dyed your hair.

Don't get discouraged with the deer hunting. It could be a lot worse. I have lived in east Tennessee for 5 years now and have yet to even see a legal buck where I hunt on public land. Aside from traveling 5 hours to west TN to hunt, I have only killed two does total since moving here (with modern equipment

). Most hunts I don't even see deer. But I still enjoy just getting out and enjoying nature and the solitude is great for unwinding from the busy rat-race world that we live in. I'm sure your luck will turn, and people will be helping skin your deer soon. Beau is blessed to have you very involved, I really miss getting out with my dad (he has been disabled for many years). I know I am preaching to the choir here, but as they say, harvesting one is just gravy. Don't overlook the other blessings.