Great having yall Eddie, sounds like a great time at Cade's also. Yall should be set for winter meat.

We had a good weekend also, no deer for me or Beau but some nice ones went down for sure. Not much time in the shop, spent most of the weekend either Hunting or looking at or for other folks deer.

The runt is really getting started here, Beau seen 8 different bucks and 6 doe Saturday morning from the Stand Eddie killed his big doe from, I seen a couple of bucks also, all on the move, no shots but very close a few times. Beau is at the Cabin all week and I will be back Thursday/Friday. We plan on getting after them hard for at least a few more days. Got a few pictures I think you will enjoy of the weekend.

Michael's deer, Sally still loving the deer season, Art came down Saturday to spend some time and shoot.
