Ya Jesse he will be back,he hunted with me a few days and then headed to Chris Cades for a few more,haven't heard from him on how he is doing.

Friday and storm rolling in as I Type,hope it moves through quick and don't make a big mess,got enough to do already.Did manage to get the Osage floor tillered to my liking last evening and need to put it back on the form for some tweaking,also got Miss Joanie to the the writing on my Yew so should get it sealed up and finely finished this weekend. Other than that we have a working Saturday to get some stuff done,I always make a long list and then at the meeting assign names to the stuff that has to be done,the list is still pretty long but mostly consist of small things that need to be finished up,after Saturday we should be close except the ranges which will be set on the 19th. Hope yall have a good and be safe through these storms. Life is Good.