Had a great weekend,Got my take down tillered and snake skins on.Now all it need is a grip and sealed up.We also got the bellies split off all the Hickory for the Classic and some of it narrowed down,got a ways to go but we are coming along.Got the range set for our 2 day shoot coming up and had a good meeting.Keith got his IW tillered and shooting,turned out nice.We got Grants
other fire pit finished also so he can watch it while in the consession stand.Good place for his
famous black pot cooking.Cut another load of wood also,so we are in good shape for the coming
year.Had some good eating also.Deer backstrap and taters Friday night and loin and taters Sat. along with some smoked loin form a pig [no less]Had a clobber also Sat.[Greg eat all of that]All in
all it was a very good weekend,hope yall had a good one also.Life is good.

O ya mixed beans also.
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