well i havent been posting much,nor have i realy been doing much primitive
been busy chasing turkeys for the most part.
but i have hit a few rocks as of late
made a couple of decent obsidion points for arrapaho(mail them this week yet

today while the rotor router guy was over doing our annual maintenance cleaning
i was in the basement beating on some novaculite
i made this nice little point with a small moose bittlet for percussion and a whitetail tine for the pressure work
i gotta say i am realy proud of this one,its my best abo point as of yet(only on #5 here)
theres one spot thats a little thick on one side,got a couple little steps right there
i know i could "pop" them off if i took a diamond file and my ishi stick to them
but i REFUSE to do it,this is truly all abo
i might take a flint flake and try and ruff it up and a sharpen a tine real god and see if i can "pop" it that way
but,i am happy with it as is
i realy like using the antler on this material and obsidions
i had a hard time with this material when i first got it,i was using copper with it then
then i got some moose billets and tried that on the softer materials and WOW what a i differance that made
i thought i was gonna just waste all this novaculite,but i finally found what works for me with it and i LOVE it
any how hers a pic or two
thanks for peeking
