Author Topic: ReFashioning an Old Bow  (Read 2513 times)

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ReFashioning an Old Bow
« on: December 25, 2009, 05:03:10 pm »
             I have a long bow that's about 6 ft. tall it was given to me several years ago but I'm not sure if its made from cedar or osage orange with buffalo sinew string. Its handmade &  I want to get a new bow but one thing I never liked about this one is that its too big. I want something smaller around 48" something the size of a plains Native bow. Is it possible to re-fashion & trim off some of the wood in order to make it shorter on both ends? It pulls @ 28inches and 40 lbs  so would I need to tiller it again? I would think so. I appreciate any help & comments. If anyone would like to consider a trade I would be willing to consider that as well. Thank you & God bless.

Offline Pat B

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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 05:09:00 pm »
You would be better off starting from scratch and building a new bow. No need to ruin a good bow trying to remake it into something else. Got any pics of your bow? I'd love to see it.
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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2009, 02:51:01 am »
Hi,  I've taken two of the bows I made early on and reworked them.  I 'm pleased with the results, so I would say yes it can be done.  Two questions for you.  Why such a drastic change?  The bow could handle easier and be a little more efficient with a much smaller shortening.
How good are your skills as a bowyer?  Drastically shortening a bow will require as much skill as making a bow from scratch.  Yes you will need to tiller the shortened stave and you may need to rework the handle section and etc. etc...
I suggest you follow Pat's suggestion and start from scratch
PS.  I thought samurai liked long bows.
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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 03:17:30 am »
Hi,  I've taken two of the bows I made early on and reworked them.  I 'm pleased with the results, so I would say yes it can be done.  Two questions for you.  Why such a drastic change?  The bow could handle easier and be a little more efficient with a much smaller shortening.
How good are your skills as a bowyer?  Drastically shortening a bow will require as much skill as making a bow from scratch.  Yes you will need to tiller the shortened stave and you may need to rework the handle section and etc. etc...
I suggest you follow Pat's suggestion and start from scratch
PS.  I thought samurai liked long bows.

Well I originally have always wanted a shorter one because my father is half Southern Cheyenn/Arapaho. I don't get out to shoot as much as I did when i was a kid so my skills have deteriorated as I got away from it but want toe get into it again. Thanks for the advice.


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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 03:19:42 am »
I'll just keep it as it is & see if I can start from scratch there's alot of osage orange here but I know I'd have to let it sit for a good while when I get some. I don't have any pics of this one.

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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2009, 06:43:24 am »
I'd say the key thing here is...
Is the bow really begging to be re-worked? If it works well in it's current form maybe leave it, but if you feel it is over long or doesn't perform to it's fullest potential, then go for it, it's all good experience.
I'd just add that if you think the belly is compressed or chrysalled or the bow is tired, then shortening it is probably a bad idea.
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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: ReFashioning an Old Bow
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2009, 11:28:04 pm »
good advice so far. one question is- what style is this bow? depending on what it is made from and the style, it may not be suitable to make shorter. if it is a ELB, or american longbow style then leave it long. if it is more of a flatbow, you could shorten it some but I wouldnt go to 48". to shoot that short, you need a short draw style of shooting. Pat is right, I would start from scratch. does the bow have any antique value?  might be good for a collectable.