Author Topic: epoxy resin shelf life question  (Read 12127 times)

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Offline dragonman

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epoxy resin shelf life question
« on: November 05, 2009, 04:11:39 pm »
please exuse this rather unprimitive intrusion , but I understand that epoxy is permitted in the construction of primitive bows on this forum and I beleive many of you use it for making laminated bows. I have a question, I have searched the net for answers, but found  nothing conclusive.  How long does epoxy resin glue last?? stored under average coditions. While making my last bow , a boo backed ipe, I mixed the 2 parts, but noticed that the mxture quickly got hot. !! and went off much quicker than usuall. The bow was fine. but I'm concerned that  this is  a sign of deteriorraton? As we all know a laminated bow is a big investment of time money and energy I dont want a failure because the glue is old. So I was wondering if any one could help. The glue I have is very thin and mixs 2:1 and is about 3 years old, it looks normal and I got loads left and dont want to waste it if it can still be used. I would appreciate to hear of others experiences regarding old glue
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 04:19:11 pm by dragonman »
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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 11:27:51 pm »
What kind of epoxy is it? Most,I believe, are exothermic, and if the mixing pot does not permit enough surface area, the epoxy will go off much faster. In other words, if your mixing pot is of a larger diameter the batch of glue will have more surface area to dissapate heat. Whereas if the pot is of a smaller diameter the glue will be deeper and have less surface area and can't dissapate heat fast enough and will go off faster. That is why it cures slower when you spread it out in a thin layer. If you leave the same amount in a pot, it goes off faster. Not sure if the glue went off in the pot or after you spread it out on the bow though? I've used marine Ststem3 that is well over 3 years old with no problems though. Did you use a different speed hardener?

Offline dragonman

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 07:43:25 am »
Thanks Banoch , thats a useful bit of info in its self. I dont know the technical name for the epoxy, but it is also a type of marine epoxy ( well I got t from a boat making place for gluing wooden boats togetheer!!) . It did go off in the pot , the glue spread out on the bow behaved as normal.  I only worried because it didn't used to go off in the pot, and I allways use the same sized pot. But thats still a help, I'm gonna use it on my next bow ,  I'm probably worrying  unnecessarilly,  thanks
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Offline Justin Snyder

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2009, 08:56:53 am »
Storing for long periods of time effects the open time on almost all adhesives.
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Offline Swamp Bow

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2009, 10:31:22 am »
While I haven't used the two part products that seem to be used most often in bow making, I have been using epoxies for other hobbies for many years.  Best thing to do is of course call the mfg.  Most of the glues I have used tend to be good for a year or two if kept in a "cool, dry, dark place".  If you keep them in the fridge, you can double that depending on the product.  I've also found that the faster setting products tend to degrade faster, ie five minute epoxy goes "bad" faster that two hour stuff.  What I have noticed is that when the glue starts going, it takes longer and longer to set, the end result stays a bit tacky, and the glue itself begins to turn yellow.  If you don't mind the color, just add a little more hardener to set it better.  Again I have not used epoxies for bow making where structural integrity is not only crucial for the bow to survive, but personal safety is also involved.  I'd store my cans in the fridge, and then replace once a year depending on mfg recommendations.  I also agree with Banoch, it is an exothermic reaction.  The more volume as a whole or the less surface area will effect how fast the product will go off.  Heat helps catalyse, that is why people use hot boxes.

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Offline snedeker

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2009, 11:11:46 am »
Urac and smooth-on have a recommended 1 year life.  There are some other epoxies that have have no expiration date (West system epoxy for examp)


Offline dragonman

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2009, 01:58:52 pm »
Thanks for the imput.  The manufacturer gives a 2 year shelf life, but at the same time the guy  who works  there , who uses it for boat making, says he hasn't noticed any deterioration after 5 yrs. But I dont think they stress  their  joints as much as bowyers do.!! so I was confused as to buy more or not, they only sell in bulk, and I cant find another supplier of this type, confusing eh....
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Offline Kent D.

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2009, 03:43:11 pm »
Ive got glass bows that were made in the early 70s that I still shoot.  Actually killed two deer with a 1978 bow, last year.  They are all glued up with some sort of heat cure epoxy.  So I would assume it will last a long time.  One thing to consider with epoxy glues, they will resoften at temps above what they were cured at.  This is true for most epoxies.

Offline PatM

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Re: epoxy resin shelf life question
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2009, 06:00:58 pm »
Cured life is different than shelf life of unmixed components. Epoxy is very stable once cured with the exception of exposure to  extreme heat or UV.