Great, that you like my bow!
@Pat B
Yeah, I heard that a lot, but when she starts to split logs, she gets prettier (and more sweaty) every time the axe hits.
I am working on one with about 50#. COming soon I hope.
You can say, this type of clothing was common in the 11th to 13th century. Check this out ->
www.nobilessilvaenorticae.at This is our Medieval association and means "The Noble of the Northern Woods".
Thx. Austria and Western Montana look the same, as I always say, "De Wöd is a Dorf" ->THE WORLD IS A VILLAGE!
I am wondering if you have the same trees there as we do. NO OSAGE

but a little bit of pretty good Yew

Do yu have a pic of your country? I am eager to see it.
Yeah, I know, tried to shave her teeth last weekend, -> She bit right through the shaver.
Thank you!