This is a learning process right? Well, this lesson caused me to punch myself in the face. Luckily, I hit like a girl.
This was the second bow I've built. The first was a 67" Ash flat-bow, and it turned out decent. I thought I'd try a laminate bow. It was a Bamboo backed, Pine heart, and Walnut bellied 48" long and 1" wide bow for my 6 year old daughter. All went well through the tillering and it strung up nicely. A little heavy for a 6 year old, but not bad. I made several shots with it at half draw just fine. I pulled it back to about 3/4 draw and it snapped on me. Ouch...

I'm guessing by the way it broke and what I know about the woods used that the bamboo and walnut crushed the pine. Then it looks like the bamboo snapped first causing the long tear, and the walnut going last. I'm obviously no expert, but that's what it kinda looks like to me.
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to sandwich such a soft wood between two harder woods. I don't think I'll try the pine with the boo again.
Do my deductions seem correct, or am I wondering off in left field? I've been known to do that...
Your friendly neighborhood newbie,