Author Topic: Longbow Hunting question  (Read 1864 times)

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Young Viking

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Longbow Hunting question
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:09:40 am »
Do you feel that the easiest bow to make is a longbow(made from sapling) is the easiest bow to build for a novice?
Second question,
Do you think that this would be an effective weapon for hunting a bear(large bear, but not grizzley big)
And third
this one is for the true hunters... Is it more effective if you used a wide, serrated broadhead on a mammoth arrow and shoot for its neck, a nice clean side shot im talking.
I really need to know these answers because me and a friend are going to be backpacking and worked out a camp security technique using only bows and a primitive mases we will make. this is sort of a test if you know what i mean, not going with any food but just a canteen and a knife, we want to hunt and fish for food just for a week or 2 just to test our wits! but if I could bring a bow that I made with some different arrows it would help a real lot! don't worry im a good shot with my recurve and compound bow but if the longbow is the easiest to build for a novice i will build a few at a time if this will help me on this journey

However I am completely dedicated to learning how to build a proper longbow before hand! and love all the great build-a-longs! thanks to all the skilled archers and bowyers out there.
Viel Dank! (many thanks!)

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Re: Longbow Hunting question
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2009, 03:38:59 am »
I'd think a sapling bow is better suited to a flat bow style rather than a longbow (Assuming 'Longbow' means English), and I'd think a sapling bow was more suited to smaller game.
Bear in mind bow hunting is illegal in UK so I don't know what I'm talking about. :o.
A decent longbow needs a 3 or 4inch diameter log minimum to start with.
All the above is just the opinion of a Cat :o.
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Re: Longbow Hunting question
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2009, 05:21:35 am »
You can make a good hunting bow from a sapling, I have hunted deer with them a lot. As for
the broadhead I would use a regular flat 2 blade head ,heavy arrow and keep the weight up around 55/60 also don't shoot for the neck,shoot for behind the shoulder,lung/heart area.Never hunted
a bear so I would get a picture that shows the area to shoot for.Good luck.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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