She's a beauty dude! What finish did you use?
any idea where I can find any directions for the ryano type stain job?
Thanks Nick. I just used whatever dye I had around and some india ink and put it on in layers with a wrinkled up plastic bag. kinda blotch it on and turn it so it all looks different. Then just sand off the edges. Ryan does a nicer job than me but it isn't hard and if it starts to look bad just keep going till it looks good

I used two coats of shellac to seal it and give a little depth and then a few coats of satin water based spar urethane. Both dry very fast and I have been doing all my bows with this combo and love it. The water based spar is some tough stuff. Just make sure the shellac is wax free. The spray should be wax free but the brush on usually has wax. I used the spray shellac and brushed on the spar urethane
looks nice. where did you get the blank from?
Thanks I got it from David Knight. KnightD on this site. Look him up