Author Topic: Waxin your Bow  (Read 6911 times)

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Offline TheWildCat

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Re: Waxin your Bow
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2009, 08:59:19 am »
I agree. I wax my boat as well, though its not a yaught. But ifin I could afford a yaught, bet I could afford to have someone wax it. I just like the extra protection. Don't really know what True oil is made of, so don't know ifin there is any polyureathane in it. But its a true oil fininsh, with nothin else on it. No Sir, I don't want to make the bow shinny either. I purposely took the shinny offin this bow by usin some fine pumice, to give it a satin look. I am sure leavin it without the wax would be ok. I was taught to wax my gun stocks when cleanin em fer extra protection. I come to appreciate the curves of the wood in a stock and built a few of those as well. Goin over the lines of my bow with a little wax, will bring back to memry, the work I put in her in the buildin. Ifin any cracks or splinters appear, I'll find em.
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Offline denny

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Re: Waxin your Bow
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2009, 10:41:13 am »
Just a little note, I use t-5 laquer made by plastic coat, it dries fast and is self leveling and builds nicely. I then wax it rubb it down with MCGUIRE atuo wax.or any other good quality wax. That is to say, high amounts of carnuba wax. Carnuba is the heart of quality wax. However, Like some one said if the wood is sealed wax only beautifies the bow or might protect the small thin areas of laquer finished areas or whatever else you have finished the bow with. By the way a very seasoned bowyer shared this info with me a few years ago, it can be bought at most auto stores any monkey like me can do a professional job.

Offline d frana

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Re: Waxin your Bow
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2009, 07:05:08 pm »
I've used a half and half mix of urathane (spar prefered) and mineral oil with good results.  I  just rub it on with a rag like other oil finishes.  The first coat will pretty much soak right in and I add 2 or 3 more.

Offline d frana

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Re: Waxin your Bow
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2009, 06:46:12 pm »
I messed up.  I use mineral spirits and spar urathane, not mineral oil.  i use it on my arrows too.