Thursday i went to a local provincial park and found lots of yew trees. One of them was big and dead and standing. I wanted its wood, but i didn't wanna chop or saw it down. But i went there this evening and just rocked the thing back and forth until it fell over. Was pretty easy: as you'll see, the tree had a massive rotten core at the base.
Here it is standing up. It's about 25 feet tall.

Here it is laying on the ground.

I sawed it in two places: one at 7 feet from the butt; the second 7 feet from that. 7 was the magic number, you'll see, because the top of the bottom piece is 7 inches across.

Now, HERE'S why i was able to push it over.

Here's the 2 sections split in half. Obviously the upper one in the tree was creamy while the butt only rendered 2 or 3 useable staves, and those shortened; one stave is as short as 50" or so.

This is the take. It doesn't take the third section of the tree, because it is a decent thickness for about 3 feet and then abruptly narrows, practically stepping down.

Hm...now, am i really gonna pack these 9 staves on the bus?
Remember, most of these staves are 80+ inches long!