well like i said, i know not many on here have any good to say about Jim.
now i dont know him or his family personaly nor is he paying me to say this.
now like i said i too have gotten this kind of product from him. i also got the same response,i didnt take it as being sarcastic.
i took it as maybe he knows his products.i didnt go around acting like someone pissed in my oat meal either.
i decided that since i paid hard earned money for this so as to make a bow from it,that was what i was going to do.
i knew that my abilities at that time werent up to the project.i have had this for well over a year now.i have worked on it a little here a little there as my
self confidence has grown.i dont give up,i problem solve.
i figured if he said it will make a good bow,then thats what i was going to do with it.
here are some pics to show the boo
first are the same spot on one limb,left to right

next is the differance in the boo thicknes in the other limb

and the tiller

see it can be done,i have over 200 arrows thru this to shoot it in.now i am doing the finish on it.
it will be shot all this summer for target practice.it pulls 46# @ 26"
all things considerd,i think it turned out pretty damn well and i am pleased as punch.
@Marc: i dont need a glue up bow right now,as i have enough staves to keep me busy for awhile and i enjoy doing them more.
however if you would like to purchase it and send it to me i would be happy to make a bow from it and post a pic or three
