Been studying bow making here for several months. Thanks for all the time spent and information made available. Found this large Osage limb

laying curbside waiting for trash pick-up. Must have been to big for em , thought it was for me too , but I finally wrestled it in the truck. Limb layed in yard several months before making it to curb. No sign of critters on wood. The limb is very straight with no knots. Is that too long to lay on ground unprotected. Also would falling from the tree damage the wood. I have the miniuml tools an dont want to split unless theres a chance its good. Any opinions would be appreciated.
Man, what an experience. A roofing hatchet .railroad spike and one small wedge are not minimum tools . Bought some wedges and finished the job today. Didn't know bark was an indication of how straight grain is. Very snaky. Also termite infested in the heart, but managed to get 2 possible stave's . Was very rewarding work regardless as I would hate to treat a good log the way I treated this one. Gonna carry on working the wood , using these stave's as a learning experience. Will post pics when there cleaned up a little . Thanks very much for the help an support.PW
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