Author Topic: Tiller Changed, Help me understand why?  (Read 10036 times)

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Rich Saffold

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Re: Tiller Changed, Help me understand why?
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2009, 01:05:43 pm »
In addition to what is mentioned here, because I have been know to walk the course shooting in and tillering at the same time..But sometimes even "dry" bow wood will dry even more in the bowmaking process. Usually the outer limbs which can make them a little stiffer. Where I live this happens with the bone dry conditions we have had lately.

Also the reverse can happen when dry wood and bamboo especially gets re-exposed to a high humidity. Tiller can change this was as well, and I work to compensate in these regards when making bows going to different parts of the planet.

These are subtle changes, but on a tiller "subtle" is enough to affect it

Proper thickness taper, don't overstrain the wood, correct design for the wood, draw weight, and length, and keep track of the dryness and how the weather may or may not affect it. I too rarely use my tiller set-up, but its handy when the bows get real long and heavy..
