Author Topic: Hickory,black locust, hophornbeam, Deerslayer based recurve (new pics added)  (Read 21725 times)

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Offline Okie

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Super job, Ryan. Outstanding bow.
Take a kid huntin' (If not who'll drag your deer out when you get old)
<---------<<<Founding Member Oklahoma Selfbow Society>>>-----------> Vice President OSS

Offline Christophero

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Oh man, that is a beaut.
Now I've got to ask a couple of questions:
1.  you said last month that you had already shot it quite, yet, it looked as if it had never been drawn back as straight as it was unstrung.
2.  the belly lam was toasted
         Was the belly lam toasted before glue up and about the lack of set I am totally cornfused!?

Offline Timo

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Looks real nice Ryan, Good contrast of colors working and blending,tip work is quality.Never was a fan of the rattan handle wraps,but you made that one look good.Tiller looks spot.

Offline The Burnt Hill Archer

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very nice Ryan. ive always admired these bows. i like the back too...

stalk softly, and carry a bent stick.

Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
Thanks for the nice words fella's.

Christophero, it was glued up with reflex much of which it lost so the limbs stand pretty straight now. If I were to do it again with the same wood combo's I'd of made inner limbs a touch wider which would have helped it hold more of the reflex. The hhb was heat treated after initial glue up and tillering to brace height. It is all glued up with urac 185 glue which heat doesn't effect once its cured. So you see the bow really has taken some set, it just doesn't follow the string.  :)

Thanks Timo. I really like the rattan grip. It's becoming a favorite of mine. It gives a good positive grip and is more weather and wear resistant than leather. I do tend to like the narrower stuff better than the wide stuff. It conforms to the shape of the handle better.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline Pennhawk

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WOW! Ryan, that baby is sure beautiful I hope you're bringing it along friday. You must have a ton of time in it? how far will it draw? Is it already spoken for? Maybe the nicest lam bow I've seen.

Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
Thanks Chris. I'm glad you like it. I do have a lot of time in it. Its not really spoken for. It's only been drawn to 28" on the tillering rack and shot in at my 27" Draw. I'll bring it to hawkeye so you lay your grubby mitts on it.  ;)  ;D
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Offline FlintWalker

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Ohhh Man!  That's a nice 'un ;D
  I hope you still have it when you get to Pappys.  Remember...I can shoot with either hand 8)
Be thankfull for all you have, because no matter how bad you think it can always be worse.


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I wanna see it at Pappy's too!

Nice compromise between the orig Grumley brush nocks which were excessively massive in my estimation versus Marc's super skinny speed recurves.

Offline Bear

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That really is pretty. I love the backing. Not sure if I've ever seen cherry bark backing in person. I know it's used a lot. Certainly is a nice contrast and natural look.
Just remember, you can't put the wood back on.

East Tennessee

Offline Marc St Louis

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That is a beaut Ryan
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline DanaM

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Very nice Ryan and something you don't see very often with the brush nocks.
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Offline Ryano

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  • Ryan O'Sullivan, North Western Pennsylvania
Thanks guys.  ;D  I'm planning on bringing it to the classic so ya'll can check it out.
Its November, I'm gone hunt'in.......
Osage is still better.....

Online Pappy

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Beautiful,Can't wait to see it.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline OldBow

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Great pictures underscoring the fact that this is a Great Bow. A worthy candidate for April Laminated Bow of the Month
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