Author Topic: mystery wood???  (Read 7780 times)

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Re: mystery wood???
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2009, 08:10:33 pm »

   that sounds like a great plan...   thanks!!!   this is what i need a very good plan and good advise... thank you...   

   but i want to make sure it understand correctly...  so that i dont screw up the glue up...  i have an idea how i can get a fairly easy reflex glue up but what exactly is r/d glue up  this is waht im thinking of... please let me know if this will work,

   what i want to do is get a piec of ply board or maybe a fairly desceantly straight 2x4 and then nail a 1x1 verticaly on both sides of the 2x4 maybe a couple of inches away from where the tips of the bow would be then lay the glue up on top of the 2x4 and clamp center down to the 2x4.. there for giving the glue up board a 1" reflex...right????   

ok.. sooo if this works correctly then would nailing another 1x1 around the handle area in the center of the other two 1x1's and then clamping down the midle of both limbs then would this give a r/d design glue up???????   

does this make sense???   would this work????

  also...   if the above design tempete will work for glue up then when i add additional strips i can then just tape additional riasers over the 1x1s to get the additional reflex i need reight????

  ok... if this works then i also want to be clear on the glue up ,

  rich you said i should glue up the peacan backing to the first piece of ipe... in reflex right?? ok...
then you said glue up a second strip???   were you talking about a second strip of pecanor use the boo???  on the back???  and then a second strip of ipe on the belly???  can you clear this up and i will take pictures and post up of the glue up board or 2x4 with risers as i go along to make sure its going to work as i build it up if ya'll dont mind walking me through this project maybe we can build this one togather ;D ;D ;D
if its not asking to much???

oh yea what length should i be looking at:   i was thinking around 64-66" long but id really like one between 58 - 62" long...   if its posible  whats the shortest i could go for with this type of set up and material..????

also if i can get away with useing jsut the peacan as the backing on this on id like to try that ans then use the bamboo on another one later on...  or if not i could use both on the same one just what ever will work best.. ;)

thanks guys i really appreciate your help on this one and i'm excited to start working on it...

Rich Saffold

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Re: mystery wood???
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2009, 10:43:10 pm »
Make the bow the length you want. Length doesn't matter more than keeping the limbs from getting too thin or unstable from lack of taper. I would advise double your drawlength for a D style and if you have a handle add this length to the limbs as well..

It will have 3 parts. first is a backing of either bamboo or pecan, the second is the core of  the 1/4" Ipe. I presume you have this already cut and want to use it..
I'd cut out the core to the bow outline you want, then match the backing to it, draw the outline on the backing and then give the backing a light taper to the tips.

Now you can play with making up a form to clamp the glued up assembly. Remember I like to use TB3 and inner tube strips so I don't have to worry about the clamps digging into the backing as its protected by the inner tube strips wrappings. 3 1" blocks can make a r/d for for a short bow and two for a reflexed one. I'd keep the reflex low on a short bow preferably under an inch.  These bows don't have much wood anyhow and tillering one with a lot of reflex gives you less by the time it can be braced..

Just play with the blocks so the core and backing will easily bend into the shape you want. Often you can clamp the blocks into place and have a set-up you can change with the bow you are making..

After you have glued this up, you will want to shape the belly piece so it too will easily bend to fit the first part. Plus make sure the belly side of the core is smooth before gluing to the backing so you don't have to do this later..

Glue this on like the first assembly, and just push a touch more reflex in it, or just enough to store a little more energy on this glue line as well.



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Re: mystery wood???
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2009, 12:22:24 am »
Ok Rich,

  i got you or understand i should say, the first and second part..  but like before you lost me on the third part...

 1.  pecan backing

 2.  ipe core..

 3. ???????????

i understand the the glue up on the backing just fine and i can easily taper the thicknes of the backing strip to be thinner at the tips as well if that is what your saying...  and i can even slightly taper the thickness of the belly core as well too

and then glue up the part 1 to part 2 with a r/d design and no problem...

but what is part 3... ????????????????????  another backing or another ipe belly core???


Offline Jesse

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Re: mystery wood???
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2009, 01:00:24 am »
I think he meant to glue on another ipe belly piece. Not sure about pecan but if you have the bamboo it would make a nice backing
"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
    --Frank A. Clark

Rich Saffold

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Re: mystery wood???
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2009, 01:40:25 am »
Ipe belly...And like Jesse mentioned, use the best quality backing you have.  If you use Pecan, make sure the back of it follows a ring because its going to get tested. I use a lot of local bamboo and some from Asia on occasion for my backings.
