Author Topic: How long is TOO long for a longbow? (and reason why i wont be on a while)  (Read 18500 times)

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Offline Loki

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What do you call Treacle in America Dane?
Try your teacher out on some Northern English words  ;D we sound differnt to those southern folks,if i wrote like a speak you wouldnt understand a word of it:)

Here's three English words to get you started,it shouldnt be hard to find twenty!

One of my Longbows is 74" long with a 32" draw,i'm 5'8".
« Last Edit: March 06, 2009, 09:30:45 am by Loki »

Offline Dane

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Mollases, Andy. Nice and sweet and sticky.

Now, to use those words in a sentence. "Balderdash! Don't even try to bamboozle me, laddie, I'm in a fine fettle, and won't let your cheap, penny-ante tricks ruin my day."

Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline Kitsu

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Mollases, Andy. Nice and sweet and sticky.

Now, to use those words in a sentence. "Balderdash! Don't even try to bamboozle me, laddie, I'm in a fine fettle, and won't let your cheap, penny-ante tricks ruin my day."


o.o *is extremely confused*

I MAY be going to home depot today, my old knife broke and im in need of a new one, i used it for shaping and it took some damage time to time, used dull side as scraper, sharp side for numerous purposes, it gave way and the handle broke, i am hoping it can make a beastly arrowhead plan on buying a dowel for it :P ill keep you posted on how it goes,

as for now i have $20 that should be enough for some spar urethane some sandpaper and a cheap new knife, that and hopefully i may get a little early birthday presents from parents, im turning 16 i dont care about a car atm, wouldnt get to drive it regardless anyway,

 i just want to get this a little thinner, its ALMOST even at bending but i crave perfection its not hard to pull back or anything though, im afraid to go further but im going to sand it even rather then focus my efforts into   taking off so little, this has been going a while but i only have one shot with this bow, i have a bunch of logs waiting to be split into staves but my grandma hid my hatchet from me (saying i should use the huge thick one with the 5 lb blade... its a pain to lift, and when i split i lift both and hit against ground, whereas, with a hatchet i will just hammer it in and split it like that
"If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you build within come tumbling down
And a new world will begin" ----- Queensryche, "Silent Lucidity

R.H , Southeastern PA/Western PA.

Offline Justin Snyder

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You dont have to loose performance just because you make it longer.  If you leave a long non bending section in the middle you could go out to some serious lengths without adding weight to the "working limb."   :o
Everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is you made a bad decision.

SW Utah

Offline OldBow

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  • I'm just an old retired biology teacher.
I am an old biology teacher. I taught wildlife biology, in Montana. Wish i knew about bows back then. You could have worked on a coop project with the woods classes, art, history, biology, received credit, and worked in my classroom!!
When you're retired, every day is Saturday

Offline Kitsu

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I am an old biology teacher. I taught wildlife biology, in Montana. Wish i knew about bows back then. You could have worked on a coop project with the woods classes, art, history, biology, received credit, and worked in my classroom!!

yeah... too bad bows are Weapons :P otherwise that would work out nice,

 well, today i got some Minwax poly-stain and i am hoping it is as good as the store claims it to be... its polyurethane and a stain in one, but ummm... its taking a while to dry, been like 2 hours and its still hella shiney and hella wet, (i even applied thin...) it is prolly cause its kinda cold atm, it went from 60s and 70s and its 40 again, i get everything setup for spring and bam, slapped again by natures fury :P

and for just drying something, do i seal the ends with the poly FIRST, or do i wait til i finish?
"If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you build within come tumbling down
And a new world will begin" ----- Queensryche, "Silent Lucidity

R.H , Southeastern PA/Western PA.