Well I hate to be the one holding you guys up. But you are going to have to be patient with me on this one.

I called Keenan last night and had a nice little visit about yew. I didn't know anything about yew. Well now I don't know much, but I know more than I did before. It turns out that I have been leaving too much sapwood on it. I knew there were types you used heartwood, and types you used sapwood. But I didn't know you had to remove 2/3 of the sapwood and leave the rest.

After I started removing the sapwood last night I can understand why. It is a lot like working willow or poplar.

Anyway, that was the whole point to this friendship bow circle. To make friends and learn to use new wood types. And if we make a few bows along the way that is good too. Don't worry Chris, I may be getting all sappy and tearing up on you. But I'm still going to make you a MANLY bow.
