last night after the wife got home from work we drove up to Brainerd,its about and hour north of where we live.
i managed to get a hold of a guy from another web site,a state local trad hunters site.he was cutting down some iron wood and
was willing to give m a few logs.
i have never met this gentelman as of yet.he dropped them off at another guys house,this guy is also from that web site.
so we set up a time and i picked them up.
when i got there my eyes popped out of their sockets

5 really nice logs,two smaller and 3 fairly large ones for iron wood.
the guy whose house these were at used to make selfbows and now makes and sells laminated bows.real nice looking stuff.
i never got a chance to shoot any of his bows last night,but he did show me 4 or 5 he had just finished spraying the finish on earlier in the day.
he then proceeded to show me some of his selfbows that he still had.
he made some realy nice bows.
he then handed me an old iron wood selfbow he made years back.he said that had just been siting for that last few years and he hadnt even thought about it
untill the other guy dropped of the logs for me.
he then told me to take it with me and if i wanted i could retiller it as he thinks its over built.feels like it could be a pretty stout bow.i am guessing 65lbs maybe.
i played around with it last night and part of this morning.just flexing it on the ground little at a time to let it get used to moving again.
then i looked around and found a string that would give it a short brace.i proceeded to string it and its got about a 4" brace,and yup feels stout..
i am going to cal this "old yeller",as the finish he put on has turned that color.
well heres some pics

i will post a ful draw when i fell confortable enough to give it a try.
thanks for looking