You don't have to worry about getting it to dry but if you don't clamp it,[I do so many at a time I don't have roome to clamp them] and they are not fairly dry they will twist. If you have room and
aren't doing to many you can do like Pete said.I use to do that when I worked 1 or 2 at a time.They
will dry very quick in the room by the wood stove.I have made bows from a standing tree to a bow in a little over a month doing them that way.

You just have to keep your eye on them.I now
split them into 1/4 logs and a few months later to about 4 inch wide stave's ,and in another few months to bow size.So in all it takes about a year.

You don't have to wait near that long ,just pick you one out and go for it,then the others will be ready when you are.Also I always take the bark off.It takes them forever to dry if you leave it on.
