ok folks,
i have been trying to attempt to make a pecan baord bow.. and got to almost wher i was getting real close to a descant tiller... at least to my amature eyes.. it started out being a 62" tip to tip length soo maybe nocks are at 60" dont know but i will measure tomorrow and maybe post up some pics...
anyway i was trying to get a 27" draw but i want it safe to about 28" soo i have been slowly getting there and at about 26" or could have been 27" not sure... oh i finally made a tiller stand and its not the best stand but it sue makes things alot easier than steping on the string and pulling the bow upwards and looking at it upside down...
anyway back to the problem, i got it to a 26-27" tiller and i was excersizen the bow and it did fine and then i put it in a string slot at around 26-27 and steped back to look at the tiller and as i was admiring the bow i hear that dredful sound.... " tic- crick crack" but it did not snap soo i rush to get it out of the hold and pullit it back down slowly...
well sure enough it
did not splinter but there it was clear as day a crack on the back... it lookes like a crack between the two grouth rings since the board is a quater sawn board the grouth rings or grain of the wood are going vertical up and down the bow... well the crack is between two of the grains maybe about 3/16 long and then on the side of the limb it has a little bit of separtation.. does any of this make sense?

well i will try and take some pics and post them up tomorrow... what i did is put the bow in the tiller stand and put it in a hold of about 24" and shot the crack up while it was in the more open position and filled it up with super glue but all i had handy was the gel kind and i wish i would have had teh liwuide kind since it runs into the cracks better righ any way i injected as much as the crack would hold and then some all over the top of the cracka nd up and down the back and belly and side around the crack i smooth it out with flexiblade and set it to dry....
here is the thing i though of doing.... thought of doing a wrap repair or even adding a backing but if i add a backing i dont want to do a linnen or rawhide.. i know this is going to sound goofy but i dont want to put a materail backing becuase i really like the texture or grain of the wood and would really like for the bow to show off its nice wood grain look... i dont want to put a f/g backing becuase its cheating allthough i saw one time that i could order a f/g pre-preg that is all thinned out and the add says that it would be see through and would still show the grain of the wood...
soo what are my real options... if i use a natural backing then i cover up a nice bow that defeats the purpose of soo much work i put into the fiish of the bow and actually i havent caoted it or poly or laq or oil or anything but i did fine sand the thing for long time.. and reall like it...
im really afraid this thing is going to turn out to be another broken bow in the broken bow pile i have acumalating in the corner over there... but i have really worked on this thing alot and i just get sooo fustrated thinking this is going to be all worthless... all those man hours and time and energy for it to just end up over there and soo close to actually being finished...
advice please what do i do?

is ther any other options i can dooo to make it hold up and save this one with out haveing to cover it up??? would just a good wrap work??? or is ther anything else i can put on or over the back that would be clear and work as a backing with out getting strung up or stoned for it???