Yep! Is'a commin!
Got a nice bottle of wine from our local winery and grape grower just down the road. Nice sippin stuff called Madelline Angiavine. Sweet with a nice light bite.
Give ya all a taste of island living!
Jesse...That Tom sounds just right! Cant wait to get there. This will be a blast! Hows that rock looking Jesse? Cant wait to take a whack at it. Still need to make a Dalton for April. Bringing a little rainbow obsidian to make some point out of for Pat. Dont know if he will be using the stuff as hunting point though. They could blind the game as the flash in the light!!!
I'll share a Cigar with ya Brother Dan!
Uhm! Van Riper state park I think was named after a relative of mine. I will check with the grandparents and let ya know for sure when I get there.
Ron...Hide the booze! Quick! Before Destructo can get his hands on it!!!! We know about Yoopers now dont we!