I don't know what cherry it is. It's an old tree, I've lived in my house about 5 years. About the tree? I've seen pictures that indicate that the garden, and the tree has been around since the 70s.
The reason I cut some of it down, was because "the touch of jungle" was overwhelming. And then I have to try to make a bow

Theres not much good bow-wood around here, the best is Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) and is plenty of it, but I understand this is mediocre to.
But I think there have been hunters here, for at least 1000 (lot of viking history here) years it has been one of the best farming lands i Norway, but some people has been here before that we know that, of course yhere was fish... but someone had to make bows. I also try to explore the Sami-people bows, not very much is written - but some. I'm aware of Ragnar Insulander and know that Ivar Malde has written about the two-wood bows, i.e. Insulanders Ørbyhus-bow is the only "old" remaining sami-bow. Where I live is "south"-sami area, (not sure this is the correct term in english).
If anyone know about some other writers I would be very happy. I know that that PA has published one article by Insulander, does anyone have this one I pay for it. Edit:
It is Primitive Archer", vol 4, issue 4, 1996. pdf-file is prefered, i'll pay the costs.