Author Topic: New here  (Read 2914 times)

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Offline stickthrower

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New here
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:29:54 am »
Well, I though I would drop a quick line.  While I am new on the message boards, I have been reading Primitive Archer for quite a while and have loved every magazine. 

I have been bow hunting (when I can get out) for 5 years now.  I am currently using a compound, but since starting reading PA, I have been wanting to make my own bow and hunt with that. 

I have read the Bowyers Bible 1-3, and still have lots of questions.  I am kind of hoping someone here can help me out.

1:  Can you make a hunting weight bow from a board?  I had read about making bows from boards in the Bowyers Bible. 

2:  Is Oak a good wood for making a hunting bow?  We have an oak tree in the yard that the top has died on.  It is really straight, and I had thought of trying to use that to try to make a bow.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I haven't started on a bow yet, but want to get going on one since it is getting so cold now in Minnesota.


Sartell, Minnesota

Offline Pat B

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Re: New here
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 12:07:37 pm »
Welcome Nathan!  You can make a hunting weight bow from boards and from oak boards. Check out George Tsoukalas' website for everything you need to know about board bows.  Once you have your bow wood(board or stave) come back and ask all the questions you have and we will walk you through your first bow.     
 In regard to the dead tree top, don't waste your time. It doesn't take fungi long to invade wood after it is dead. Even though the heartwood might seem sound it isn't worth the effort just to be disappointed.     Pat
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Dale

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Re: New here
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 02:07:20 pm »
Hello Stickthrower,

I'm fairly new to the message board and to bow making.  I've made a small bow for my grandson and have three works in progress.  Slow progress but never the less progress. ;D

Everyone here has treated me wonderfully and been so helpful.  I think you will enjoy this.


Offline Okie

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Re: New here
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 02:31:38 pm »
I have made a couple of red oak board bows, 1 is 55lbs @ 28 w/ 2" set and the other is 60lbs @ 28 and it only took 1-1/2" set. So yes you can make a hunting weight bow from a board. You will probably have to search thru the whole stack at Lowe's or Home Depot to find one with the grain straight enough, but they can be found. I second Georges site, it has all you need to know on it.

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Offline stickthrower

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Re: New here
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 09:45:25 pm »
After reading through part of the info on Georges website (there is tons of info!), I am wondering what I should be attempting to make for my first bow.  Are there any suggestions?  I have no idea what type of bow I would like to make.  I just figured that since I am going at this on my own, that I would be better off doing it from a board than going out and getting my wood from out in the woods or something.  But there are so many different bows that I have no idea what to do! 

As I said at the beginning. The only bow that I know is my compound.  The only other bows I have ever owned was a fiberglass one as a kid I got from Boy Scouts, and a recurve that I got at an auction (an old montgomery ward bow; I didn't even know they had ever made bows!).

So, I figured I should ask about the type of bow that is easyist for a newbie like me to make. 

Thanks for the welcome too!  I am sure that once I get the board to make my bow from, I will be on with MANY more questions!

Sartell, Minnesota

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: New here
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2008, 03:08:49 pm »
Welcome, Nathan. The top of a tree can be twisted but try it. Dead whitewood like oak doesn't last long in the weather. But you could try it. Yes, boards can make good hunting bows. Thanks for the kind remarks, Pat. Jawge
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Offline Auggie

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Re: New here
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2008, 08:26:59 am »
Welcome! Board bows can be  just as successful as any other. Forget about the wheel bow. When you go to look for your board,be prepared you may be there awhile. Look for grain that doesnt run off the edge of the board,it doesnt have to run strait,just not off the edges. I think a 68 or 72 inch long might be the way to go for your first,longer limbs are a little more forgiving and you can always cut them shorter if need be to reach poundage, ect. Get started and ask questions!
laugh. its good for ya

Offline adb

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Re: New here
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2008, 10:14:06 am »
Welcome aboard! What's a "compound?" My only suggestion... jump in and make some sawdust.